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League Forms

  • 18/09/09
Football image

Postponement Form, Transfer Form, Player Registration Form & Team Sheets

Ball size is size 3 for U10's

SYFL Rules 2024-2025 - Download / Open

Postponement Form All Forms to be submitted via Club Secretary Postponement Requests need to be submitted a minimum of 7 days before game. All postponements are subject to approval. Postponement Requests will not be allowed for adult unavailability except in exceptional circumstances. - Download / Open

Transfer Form - Download / Open

Player - Club Registration Form - Download / Open

SYFL Team Sheets - All - Download / Open

Low Referee Mark Form - Download / Open

Guide to Marking a Referee - Download / Open

Mini soccer Rules - Download / Open

FIFA Laws of the Game - Download / Open

Seven Day Approach Rule - Download / Open