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League News


  • 05/09/19
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Important / Urgent Notices; Meeting Dates; AGM are here.

All League Notices, Meeting Dates and AGM are listed here.

The League meets on the third Wednesday of the month but at the September 2022 meeting it was agreed to reduce the number of meetings to keep the costs of travel down.

The League will therefore meet only in the months of:

August; September; December; March and June (AGM).

The actual dates are:
Wednesday 21st August 2024
Wednesday 18th September 2024
Wednesday 18th December 2024
Wednesday 19th March 2025
AGM – Wednesday 18th June 2025 (Subject to FA Approval)

The rules of the League require attendance at every meeting, including the AGM..

Meetings are held at Belmont Hall, Wellington at 7:00 pm

Author: John Tranter