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League News


  • 17/10/13
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In Division A, the champions AC Sparta Praha finished with a great 6-1 win against Villa FC whilst runners up Copa Mundial also finished on a high with a 4-0 win against fifth placed Real Sosobad. Third placed No Name FC beat bottom side Sporting Abergut 3-0 and fourth placed Shire FC won a close and high scoring game against Borussia Boots “00” 6-5.

In Division B, Champions Had a Bad Day lost out in their final game 3-2 to Phoenix FC whilst congratulations go to Bayer Neverlosen who finished as runners up after collecting the points from their game against We Thought it was a Disco. Them Again finished in third spot after losing out 2-0 to Burtonwood Albion whilst GTFC collected three points from their game against Steau Needarest.

See you all on Wednesday!