St Benedicts First

St Benedicts First

Latest Results

All Results

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team
L 15/09/24 11:00 St Benedicts First 0 - 9
Heron FC Nicosia
L 08/09/24 11:00 The Crown FC First 4 - 0
St Benedicts First

Upcoming Fixtures

All Fixtures

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team Venue
L 22/09/24 11:00 Bulls Head AFC First VS St Benedicts First ORFORD JUBILEE NEIGHBOURHOOD HUB #1
L 06/10/24 11:00 St Benedicts First VS Heath Rangers FC Heath Rangers Villa VICTORIA PARK ARENA #1

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Pos Player Name Appearances Overall Goals Goals Penalties Assists Yellow Cards Red Cards Second Yellow Card Sin Bin Started Subbed On Subbed Off Bench Used Bench Unused Clean Sheet Own Goal Conceded Penalties Missed Penalties Saved Captain Player Of Match
1 Andrew, Luke 2 1 1
2 Broughton, Christopher 2 2
3 Croughton, Ellis 1
4 Foote, Jake 2 2
5 Grainger, Jordon 1 1
6 Inman, Connor 2 1 1
7 Linaker, Curtis 2 2
8 Linaker, Reece 1 1
9 McLong, Joel 1 1
10 Melton, Stephen 1 1
11 Millman, Eli 1 1
12 Moran, Ethan 1 1
13 Paget, George 2 1 1
14 Price, Ryan 1 1
15 Scargill, Charlie Richard 1 1
16 Scargill, Harry George 1 1
17 Shaw, Callum 2 2
18 Siddall, Bradley 1 1
19 Tocher, Thomas 2 2
20 Wainwright, Josh 2 2
21 Wereszczynsky, Ben 2 1 1

Team Season

All Results

Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form
Sep 2 0 0 2 0 13 L L

Sun 08 Sep 24


The Crown FC First

4 - 0

St Benedicts First

Sun 15 Sep 24


St Benedicts First

0 - 9

Heron FC Nicosia

Team Season Totals

All Results

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form
Home 1 0 0 1 0 9 L

Sun 15 Sep 24


St Benedicts First

0 - 9

Heron FC Nicosia

Away 1 0 0 1 0 4 L

Sun 08 Sep 24


The Crown FC First

4 - 0

St Benedicts First

Overall 2 0 0 2 0 13 L L

Sun 08 Sep 24


The Crown FC First

4 - 0

St Benedicts First

Sun 15 Sep 24


St Benedicts First

0 - 9

Heron FC Nicosia


Luke Andrew

Stuart Bremner

Christopher Broughton

Ellis Croughton

Johnatahan Davies

George William Dickenson

Jake Foote

Jordon Grainger

Connor Inman

Curtis Linaker

Reece Linaker

Wesley Linaker

Joel McLong

Stephen Melton

Eli Millman

Ethan Moran

George Paget

Ryan Price

Charlie Richard Scargill

Harry George Scargill

Callum Shaw

Bradley Siddall

Harley Smallwood

Thomas Tocher

Josh Wainwright

Ben Wereszczynsky

Joe Whitfield

Tom Whitfield