Malt Shovel FC

Malt Shovel FC

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Pos Player Name Appearances Overall Goals Goals Penalties Assists Yellow Cards Red Cards Second Yellow Card Sin Bin Started Subbed On Subbed Off Bench Used Bench Unused Own Goal Conceded Captain Player Of Match
1 Abbott, Jonny 2 2
2 Barnett, Dylan 11 11
3 Barnett, Michael 4 3 1
4 Bird, Peter 1 1
5 Bloxham, Oliver 4 1 4 1
6 Brewins, Connor 2 2
7 Brook, Wayne 1 1
8 Butterfield, Tommy 3 2 2 3
9 Cieply, Theo 2 2
10 Copley, Harley 8 5 5 8
11 Coulthard, Declan 4 1 1 2 2
12 Curtis, Luke 12 3 3 10 2
13 Cussans, Michael 5 1 1 1 4 1
14 Cussons, Dan 1 1
15 Durham, Luke 1 1
16 Ellitot, Norman 4 3 1
17 England, Jamie 4 1 1 4
18 ferguson, Jake 1 1
19 Foschi, Lewis 12 1 1 12
20 Fothergill, Jack 4 2 2
21 Frost, Stephen 2 2
22 Glover, Ryan 2 1 1
23 Hargreaves, Jake 8 1 1 7 1
24 Harkin, Chris 1 1
25 Harrison, Mark 2 1 1
26 Harvey, Charlie 2 2
27 Hewitt, Craig 7 5 5 7
28 Hewitt, Daniel 1 1 1 1
29 Hewitt, Simon 6 4 2
30 Higgs, Deacon 2 1 1 1 1
31 Jackson, Darren 1 1 1 1
32 Krygsman, Joe 2 1 1 2
33 Latham, Kie 5 1 5
34 leung, Isaac 7 7
35 Lyon, Dave 5 4 1
36 mason, Sam 7 7
37 McCluckie, Joe 14 14 1
38 Moore, Darren 1 1
39 O'Neil, Oliver 1 1
40 Pearse, Luke 4 1 4
41 Precious, Elliott 1 1
42 Prideux-Hurst, George 6 1 5 1
43 Raistrick, Jake 6 2 2 5 1
44 RAYNER, COLIN 4 1 1 2 2
45 Raynor, Luke 2 1 1
46 Rowley, Tom 5 5
47 Sanchez, Marcelo 1 1
48 Smith, Tom 4 2 2
49 Stankiewikz, Dominic 2 1 1
50 Taylor, James 2 1 1
51 Warner, Chris 3 3

Team Season

All Results

Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form
Sep 2 0 1 1 4 5 D L

Sat 10 Sep 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

2 - 2

Pontefract Town

Sat 24 Sep 16

Venue: Barleyhill Recreation Ground

Bird in Hand

3 - 2

Malt Shovel FC

Oct 2 0 0 2 1 4 L L

Sat 01 Oct 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

0 - 1

White Swan FC

Sat 08 Oct 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

1 - 3

Thorpe United

Nov 3 0 0 3 5 17 L L L

Sat 05 Nov 16

Venue: Queens Park Airedale

Straps AFC

6 - 3

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 19 Nov 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

1 - 8

Bird in Hand

Sat 26 Nov 16

Venue: Hillam Cricket Club #1

Monk Fryston United

3 - 1

Malt Shovel FC

Dec 2 1 0 1 7 5 L W

Sat 03 Dec 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

1 - 4

Straps AFC

Sat 10 Dec 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

6 - 1

Monk Fryston United

Jan 3 0 1 2 2 8 L L D

Sat 07 Jan 17

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

0 - 4

Cricketers FC

Sat 14 Jan 17

Venue: Knottingley Rugby Club

White Swan FC

2 - 0

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 28 Jan 17

Venue: Pontefract Barracks

Pontefract Town

2 - 2

Malt Shovel FC

Feb 2 0 0 2 4 8 L L

Sat 04 Feb 17

Venue: Fearnville Leisure Centre

Cricketers FC

3 - 0

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 11 Feb 17

Venue: Queens Park Airedale

Straps AFC

5 - 4

Malt Shovel FC

Apr 2 0 1 1 5 7 L D

Sat 01 Apr 17

Venue: Thorpe Willoughby Sports Association

Thorpe United

4 - 2

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 15 Apr 17

Venue: Fearnville Leisure Centre

Cricketers FC

3 - 3

Malt Shovel FC

Team Season Totals

All Results

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form
Home 7 1 1 5 11 23 D L L L L W L

Sat 10 Sep 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

2 - 2

Pontefract Town

Sat 01 Oct 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

0 - 1

White Swan FC

Sat 08 Oct 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

1 - 3

Thorpe United

Sat 19 Nov 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

1 - 8

Bird in Hand

Sat 03 Dec 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

1 - 4

Straps AFC

Sat 10 Dec 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

6 - 1

Monk Fryston United

Sat 07 Jan 17

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

0 - 4

Cricketers FC

Away 9 0 2 7 17 31 L L L D L L L D

Sat 24 Sep 16

Venue: Barleyhill Recreation Ground

Bird in Hand

3 - 2

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 05 Nov 16

Venue: Queens Park Airedale

Straps AFC

6 - 3

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 26 Nov 16

Venue: Hillam Cricket Club #1

Monk Fryston United

3 - 1

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 14 Jan 17

Venue: Knottingley Rugby Club

White Swan FC

2 - 0

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 28 Jan 17

Venue: Pontefract Barracks

Pontefract Town

2 - 2

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 04 Feb 17

Venue: Fearnville Leisure Centre

Cricketers FC

3 - 0

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 11 Feb 17

Venue: Queens Park Airedale

Straps AFC

5 - 4

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 01 Apr 17

Venue: Thorpe Willoughby Sports Association

Thorpe United

4 - 2

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 15 Apr 17

Venue: Fearnville Leisure Centre

Cricketers FC

3 - 3

Malt Shovel FC

Overall 16 1 3 12 28 54 W L L D L L L D

Sat 10 Sep 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

2 - 2

Pontefract Town

Sat 24 Sep 16

Venue: Barleyhill Recreation Ground

Bird in Hand

3 - 2

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 01 Oct 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

0 - 1

White Swan FC

Sat 08 Oct 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

1 - 3

Thorpe United

Sat 05 Nov 16

Venue: Queens Park Airedale

Straps AFC

6 - 3

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 19 Nov 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

1 - 8

Bird in Hand

Sat 26 Nov 16

Venue: Hillam Cricket Club #1

Monk Fryston United

3 - 1

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 03 Dec 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

1 - 4

Straps AFC

Sat 10 Dec 16

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

6 - 1

Monk Fryston United

Sat 07 Jan 17

Venue: Dennison Road

Malt Shovel FC

0 - 4

Cricketers FC

Sat 14 Jan 17

Venue: Knottingley Rugby Club

White Swan FC

2 - 0

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 28 Jan 17

Venue: Pontefract Barracks

Pontefract Town

2 - 2

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 04 Feb 17

Venue: Fearnville Leisure Centre

Cricketers FC

3 - 0

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 11 Feb 17

Venue: Queens Park Airedale

Straps AFC

5 - 4

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 01 Apr 17

Venue: Thorpe Willoughby Sports Association

Thorpe United

4 - 2

Malt Shovel FC

Sat 15 Apr 17

Venue: Fearnville Leisure Centre

Cricketers FC

3 - 3

Malt Shovel FC


Jonny Abbott

Dylan Barnett

Michael Barnett

Peter Bird

Oliver Bloxham

Connor Brewins

Keenan Brewins

Harry Brigham

Wayne Brook

Tommy Butterfield

Theo Cieply

Thomas Collins

Harley Copley

Andrew Corbally

Declan Coulthard

Luke Curtis

Michael Cussans

Dan Cussons

Luke Durham

Norman Ellitot

Jamie England

Jake ferguson

Lewis Foschi

Jack Fothergill

Stephen Frost

Ryan Glover


Tom Grundy

Brad Hall

Jake Hargreaves

Chris Harkin

Mark Harrison

Charlie Harvey

Shaun Hesslewood

Craig Hewitt

Daniel Hewitt

Simon Hewitt

Deacon Higgs

Ian Huddlestone

Darren Jackson

Joe Krygsman

Kie Latham

Isaac leung

Dave Lyon

Sam mason

Oliver Mcardle

Joe McCluckie

Dan Montgomery

Darren Moore

Conor O'Brien

Oliver O'Neil

Tom O'Neill

Luke Pearse

Elliott Precious

George Prideux-Hurst

Jake Raistrick


Luke Raynor

Nick Redgrave

Tom Rowley

Marcelo Sanchez


Tom Smith

Dominic Stankiewikz

Daniel Tame

James Taylor

Simon Tolson

Chris Warner